Predictive Analytics for Oil & Gas

Predictive Analytics in oil and gas refers to the use of statistics, geo-statistics, machine learning, and data mining to search for correlations and patterns that offer insights about reservoir quality controls on performance, oil field tools performance, team performance and organizational efficiency from raw datasets. 

Data collection and mining

Data Analysis

Data Modeling

Implementing Predictive Models

Offshore oil rig.jpg

Typical Rig with 10s of mb of data generated daily

Types of Oilfield data that benefit from Analytics

Types of Oilfield data that benefit from Analytics

Kinds of data generated daily on a rig that benefit from Analytics:

  1. MWD data drill monitor.                     
  2. Gas emissions
  3. Scada (Pumps & Valves)
  4. Mud flow rates
  5. Asset inspection notes
  6. Asset breakdown logs                  
  7. HSE logs
  8. Contractor data
  9. Personnel access logs
  10. Depth tracking 
  11. Real time LWD

For more info on how Rig data analytics adds value to your bottom line,  email:


phone: +1. 713. 859. 6217

    XPSG LLC is a full life cycle analytics service provider.


Geoscience Training On Demand

Geomodeling for Development and Production Geology

Geomodeling for Development and Production Geology

  •   Subsurface Reservoir Studies

  •   Field Development Plan Studies

  •   3D Geological modeling using RMS, Petrel and most other

    commercially available platforms.

  •   Geomodeling software support onsite and remotely

  •   Operations geology

  •   Foundations of CoreAnalysis

  •   Full field geoscience and field development studies

  •   Prospect Characterization and Appraisal

  •   Production Geology

  •   Crystal ball and GeoX for Volumetrics and Risking

  •   SeismicGeomorphology for Deltaic and Deepwater reservoirs.

  •   Unconventional reservoir development

  •   Geoscience reservoir surveillance

  •   Analytics and Reservoir Surveillance in Geoscience

  •   Programming in R for Analytics

Geoscience Training and Consulting


  •   3D Geomodeling in Petrel and RMS for Turbidites, Sub-Salt, Aeolian and Pre-Salt reservoirs

  •   Training and mentoring in Geomodeling

  •   3D Model QC

  •   Remote and Onsite support in 3D modeling software and reservoir characterization.

  • Training in Seismic Geomorphology for environment of deposition analysis



Geomodelling for Development and Production Geology

This e-symposium highlights methodologies for managing the wide range of input data used in geomodelling, and approaches to building fit for purpose 3D geological models. It shows how to design modelling schemes, identify uncertainties and how to apply results to real life field development. Field examples are utilized and theory is kept to a minimum. Process charts and checklists shared in the course of the e-symposium will be an ‘after course’ resource and reference especially for model framing, uncertainty handling and designing “fit for purpose model” workflows. This e-symposium is designed to provide participants with information not normally provided in routine geological model training courses. - See more at:

Facilitator Bio:

Terngu Y. Utim, is the Managing & Principal Consultant at XPSG LLC, a full service geosciences, field development and knowledge management consulting group based in Houston. He previously held technical and leadership positions at Nexen, Shell, Roxar-Emerson, Corelab and Biogeochem Associates. Since joining the oil and gas industry in 1998 he has worked as a Core analyst, exploration and appraisal geologist, and as production geologist in the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, Caribbean and Onshore USA. He has taught over 18 runs of geomodeling courses and built 3D models for reservoirs in every stage of field life for Sandstone and Carbonate environments. During his career he has worked as lead or member in many teams to maximize asset value through effective subsurface integration. He holds a B.S in Geology from the University of Jos and an M.S in Petroleum Geoscience from Royal Holloway College – University of London. He is a member of SPE, AAPG and HGS. - See more at:

White paper # 2015112: Geologic Model QC

Geologic models are an important tool for reservoir characterization and integration within asset teams, however the QC of such models has remained a 'vague subject' because it is company-specific and in some cases dependent on the manager's approval. At XPSG we have developed a tool that incorporates geology, geostatistics, performance and utility into the evaluation process.

Model QC is a subset of Model Analysis in MoJiTT (KM & Training software).

Model QC is a subset of Model Analysis in MoJiTT (KM & Training software).

By looking beyond software utilities, XPSG developed a QC tool inside MoJiTT that considers all aspects of modelling rather than a software utlility QC, and the resulting tool is elegant.