Agricultural Services

XPSG Agriculture  leveraged on the Analytics and spatial statistics expertise of XPSG to provide Agriculture Analytics services for Agribusiness efficiency and yield optimization. Subsequently XPSG agriculture further diversified into Agrifinance where we arrange financing for the purchase of US-made equipment.

We are there for clients wherever they may be on the value chain


XPSG LLC is an early adopter of Drone Technology for multiple uses including Agriculture.

XPSG is using drones to monitor the  health of crops, soils and a range of variables that predict crop health and invariably crop yield. Ask us about our "Drones4Ag" service :

Agriculture Analytics 

Analytics has been a proven tool for managing large scale farms and XPSG has diversified its Analytics offering to support agriculture in Soil, Crop, Machinery and Labor.  Contact our US Office for information about how you can take advantage of these services: +1 713 859 6217 OR

XPSG Analytics for Agriculture


Equipment Sale & Leasing

We supply and facilitate procurement for a wide a range of Agribusiness machinery from Production to Processing