Oil & Gas

Geomodeling Experts,Geological Modeling, software Vendors, Full field subsurface studies and Geoscience training. Find out more…



Reservoir Engineering

Reservoir Engineering

Our team of engineers have completed multiple projects involving reservoir simulation, production forecasting, field development planning, production design and asset valuation.

Facilities Engineering

Facilities Engineering

Oilfield Equipment supply, leasing and servicing. US-based equipment inspection and delivery services.




Full service energy consulting from discovery to field development
planning , execution and mature field management  studies. Find out more…

Non-Energy consulting services are also available for all aspects of our business including KM, Analytics, Agriculture, Mining and Engineering.

Subsurface Technical Team on-demand


SubsurfaceGo™ is a complete oil and gas subsurface team designed to provide world class service at value rates  to small independents on a  “needs only basis”. This service provides experts for international and local independents for a fraction of the cost. Many of our experts are collocated and work remotely. To get a quote today, send an email to support@xpsgusa.com


Open courses, Onsite, webinars, e-learning. Our experts offer two important  AAPG learning events; Geomodeling for Production and Development Geology (E-Symposium) & Essentials of Production Geology.

XPSG offers has a wide offering of scheduled and on-demand courses  We are able to develop additional courses to meet your needs. 

Knowledge Management
Oil and gas companies typically provide extensive platforms for collaboration and knowledge-sharing, we have an industry-leading solution that synthesizes and organizes knowledge so it becomes a tool for organizational development. Find out more…

Integrated KM & Training

Integrated KM & Training

MoJiTT's KM Process

MoJiTT's KM Process

Avalon Fm rock properties analytics.png

We are committed to the innovative use of Analytics in predictive excellence by supporting internal and external decision-making with big or small data. We undertake decision analysis using DTrio, big data Analytics using Spotfire and R Studio. We also use Crystal ball spreadsheet models to bring risk and uncertainty into focus. We are practice leaders in this field. Find out more…


MoJiTT™ is the industry leading solution for integrated  training and knowledge management. Our solution turns knowledge management into a cost-saving, enterprise-accelerating venture. To get a quote today, send an email to support@xpsgusa.com.


MoJiTT™  is our proprietary integrated knowledge management and training platform.


Non Oil & Gas


Agricultural Services

XPSG supplies US-made agricultural machinery and processing equipment. Also we use Analytics to help farmers decide on smart and cost-effective solutions that improve yield and overall farm efficiency.



Our team of mining geologists have extensive experience in ore exploration, 3D modeling of ore geometry and the quantification of reserves. Contact us to plan your solid mineral projects.