Our Mission


Re-inventing technical and business solutions through the use of best-in-class technology and integration of big data




Oil & Gas

We are responsive partners that add value across the oil and gas development cycle. We have experts with multi-basin experience available for projects of all sizes at short notice.

In Exploration: we have participated in play and basin opening projects in East African Rift Basins, Deepwater Niger Delta, Pre-Salt Angola, U.S Unconventionals and Deepwater Guyana.

In Development: we have participated in industry defining projects like Bonga (Deepwater W. Africa), Appomattox (Deepwater G.O.M), Permian Basin Conventionals & Unconventionals (Onshore U.S).

Experience in Diverse Settings: Deepwater turbidites (G.O.M, West Africa), Aeolian (G.O.M), Unconventionals (Onshore U.S), Carbonates (Onshore U.S).

Inquiries: support@xpsgusa.com | Phone: +1 713 859 6217 | Fax: +1 866 608 8094

Non Oil & Gas

We are innovative solution providers that offer a range of busines process management solutions in our integrated Training and KM product as well as our Analytics solutions. Also we are competitive solution providers for Mining and Agriculture where we provide US-made solutions to clients globally. We have experts with multi-regional experience available for projects of all sizes at short notice

Inquiries: support@xpsgusa.com | Phone: +1 713 859 6217 | Fax: +1 866 608 8094