Predictive Analytics for Oil & Gas

Predictive Analytics in oil and gas refers to the use of statistics, geo-statistics, machine learning, and data mining to search for correlations and patterns that offer insights about reservoir quality controls on performance, oil field tools performance, team performance and organizational efficiency from raw datasets. 

Data collection and mining

Data Analysis

Data Modeling

Implementing Predictive Models

Offshore oil rig.jpg

Typical Rig with 10s of mb of data generated daily

Types of Oilfield data that benefit from Analytics

Types of Oilfield data that benefit from Analytics

Kinds of data generated daily on a rig that benefit from Analytics:

  1. MWD data drill monitor.                     
  2. Gas emissions
  3. Scada (Pumps & Valves)
  4. Mud flow rates
  5. Asset inspection notes
  6. Asset breakdown logs                  
  7. HSE logs
  8. Contractor data
  9. Personnel access logs
  10. Depth tracking 
  11. Real time LWD

For more info on how Rig data analytics adds value to your bottom line,  email:


phone: +1. 713. 859. 6217

    XPSG LLC is a full life cycle analytics service provider.