White paper #2015111: Introducing MoJITT

XPSG has revolutionized geoscience training by integrating new developments and trusted organizational knowledge into a live and updatable system of easily

XPSG's MoJiTT is the industry leading integrated knowledge management and training tool.

XPSG's MoJiTT is the industry leading integrated knowledge management and training tool.

digestible knowledge which is available whenever needed. At its core is a compendium of identified or defined baseline processes and tasks and on top of this layer is a live update-able collection of game changers, new trends, cutting edge research and industry direction. The tool is useful for setting and challenging the standard in a systematic manner. 
This tool is a game changer because:
1. It has eliminated the ‘fabled’ time gap between training and “at work” application.
2. It has made coaching standardized and repeatable.
3. It is an all round cost-effective training tool.
4. It maximizes the productivity of lean teams.
5. It bridges the gap between knowledge management and training.