New Crystal ball based Analytics & Statistics Course

This course covers application of fundamental statistical concepts and the implementation of data analytics in Crystal ball. It begins with a review of data analysis methods and key concepts in applied statistics, then a study on building and applying different kinds of distributions using a range of data. The participants will learn how to characterize uncertainty, the impact of correlations on models and become familiar with key concepts such as the central limit theorem, probability and Monte Carlo simulation. The course will also include probabilistic prospect analysis and risking. Course participants will also learn to use Crystal ball in Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive analytics. In addition to risk quantification, Crystal ball will be used to optimize models. The class will consist of lectures in the morning and one-on-one consulting in the afternoons where the participants and the instructor work collaboratively. 

At the end of this course, participants should have the knowledge and ability to build and use Crystal Ball models in solving value estimation, risk quantification and process optimization problems. Participants will also leave with a knowledge of the techniques available in Crystal ball, their application in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics.

Target Audience
This course is designed for all staff involved in evaluating projects, opportunities and portfolios using Crystal ball to solve a range of investment, planning and management challenges.